Enchanted broom ftb infinity
Enchanted broom ftb infinity

enchanted broom ftb infinity

If you place it in an area with lots of living things it will harness you with more power to work with. The altar is an object that powers magical things like the kettle or distillery. Odour of purity, reek of misfortune, foul fume and refined evil Tear of the goddess, whiff of magic, foul fume and a slimeball Do this twice place it in a 2x3 pattern and place the distillery close to the altar (no further than 15 blocks.) You put the exhale of the horned one in the top right, the breath of the goddess in the top left, the water bottle in between them, the rowan wood in the two slots below the water bottle and fill the remaining space with stone bricks. To craft 3 blocks (you need in the end 6 in a 2x3 pattern) you need 1 breath of the goddess, 1 exhale of the horned one, 1 water bottle, 4 stone bricks and 2 rowan logs. Once created you need to place it down at least 15 blocks away from a fully functioning altar. You put (in a crafting table) the 2 clay jars in the top two corners, the gold ingots in the bottom two corners, the attuned stone in the bottom middle slot and the iron ingots in the remaining empty slots. This is crafted with 4 iron ingots, 2 clay jars, 2 gold ingots and 1 attuned stone.


The distillery is another item added by the Witchery mod used for distilling magical items.

enchanted broom ftb infinity

So the total effect of the two upgrades would be +10% cooking speed and +30% chance of the extra item.


The filtered fume funnel is an upgrade to the fume funnel and increases the chance of the extra itemīy another 5%. It is crafted by a book in the middle a Belladona above it a feather to the right a whiff of magic below it and an ink sac to the left. You can watch the video down the page or craft the book Witchcraft: Circle Magic. To charge an attuned stone (crafted with a whiff of magic then below that in the crafting grid a diamond and below that a lava bucket) you must use a rite of charging, which is obtained by circle magic. The iron ingots go in the middle left and middle right slots and the charged attuned stone goes in the remaining slot. You put the the glass blocks on the top row and the bottom row. You just put them in the crafting table (the fume funnel one slot above the the filter.) To craft the fume filter you need 2 iron ingots, 6 glass blocks and 1 charged attuned stone. To craft the filtered fume funnel you need a fume funnel and fume filter. This adds to the oven a 10% quicker cooking speed and a 25% better chance of getting the other item.

enchanted broom ftb infinity

You place a lava bucket in the top middle slot on the crafting grid, place a glowstone block in the middle slot, an iron block in the bottom two corners, then you place an iron bar in the bottom middle slot and finally fill the final slots with empty buckets. To create a fume funnel you need a lava bucket, 4 empty buckets, 2 iron buckets, 1 iron bar and 1 glowstone block. To upgrade the witches oven you need to place a fume funnel or filtered fume funnel on the left or right of the oven. A soft clay jar is crafted with 3 clay in a v shape. To craft a clay jar you smelt a soft clay jar in a furnace. Remember put a clay jar in the bottom slot of the oven to get a potion. Put a jungle sapling in the witches oven to possibly get a foul fume.Put an alder sapling in to the oven to maybe get a reek of misfortune.

enchanted broom ftb infinity

Put a hawthorn sapling in to maybe get an odour of purity.Put a rowan sapling in it to possibly get a whiff of magic.Put a spruce sapling in to maybe get a hint of rebirth.Put a birch sapling in to create the chance of getting a breath of the goddess.Put an oak sapling in to possibly get an exhale of the horned one.Put logs in it to maybe get a foul fume.Put a piece of raw food in the oven to maybe create a foul fume.You put the bucket in the top middle slot, the iron bar in the bottom middle slot and the iron ingots in the shape of a iron helmet in the empty slots. To craft it you need to have 1 empty bucket, 1 iron bar and 5 iron ingots. This a good way to cook food or smelt wood as it cooks food 10% faster than a normal furnace, but you cannot smelt ores. The witches oven is a item added by Witchery and is like a normal furnace (you can smelt wood into charcoal) but you can create different potions.

Enchanted broom ftb infinity